
Mix Media

About the Series

Junk can be a beautiful thing, if we have the eyes to see it. From litter off the streets to odds and ends in the house, these series of works from useless materials, the frame finds a use for what others would toss out without a second thought. I just compiled useless stuff to create an intriguing work with recycled materials, redefining what we call trash -- i love this kind of reuse!

These works primarily comprise components that have been discarded. Often they come quite literally from the trash. The found materials, describes work created from undisguised, but often modified, objects, things  that are not normally considered useful, often because they already have a non-function. The basic key which occupied me to work on this series is readymade. Artist Marcel Duchamp perfected the concept when he made a series of "readymades" he selected everyday objects and elected as art. Now as time passed I just noticed that the Functional part of this Junk is no more alive or useful, except the emotional touch with a person who must have used.

Found materials derive its identity as art from the designation placed upon it by the artist and the factual history that comes with the object, either its anonymous wear and tear, or its recognizability as a waste, unwanted item. The context into which it is placed is also a highly relevant factor. It gives the audience a time and a stage to contemplate an object. Appreciate useless things, which used to be a useful entity once, in this way I can prompt philosophical reflection in the observer.

However, I think there should be an artist's input in the frame, and it should be a designation of the object as art inside the frame, which is nearly always reinforced. There is usually some degree of modification of the useless stuff, although not always to the extent that it cannot be recognized, as is the case with hopeless materials. I think, the recent critical theory, however, would argue that the mere designation and relocation of any object, constitutes a modification of the object, because it changes our perception of its utility, its lifespan, or its status.

The combination of several found objects is also known as assemblage, and may also have a social purpose, of raising awareness of trash.

Jagadish Kumar V. Dhyan Shreyas.

Work Details:

Mixed media work
15 X 20 Inches