


As we recognized when we presented Life on Earth all those years ago, we were a flexible and innovative species and we had the capacity to adapt and modify our behavior. Now we most certainly have to do so if we're to deal with climate change. It's the biggest challenge we have yet faced."

I titled this series as O-zone. The metal rod boxes are covered with bubble plastic sheets, and arranged in diamagnetically rectangular. As we know the Ozone is diamagnetic, which means that its electrons are all paired. In contrast, O2 is paramagnetic, containing two unpaired electrons, a little science. Today the global warming emissions resulting from energy production are a serious global environmental problem.

Here the bubble plastic signifies the small layers, which filters out sunlight and its wavelengths. However the small unabsorbed parts of our ozone, which remains of UV-B rays, after passage through ozone, causes sunburn in humans, and direct DNA damage in living tissues in both plants and animals. So In the work, some parts of the bubble cover are torn, and I tried to cover up them with a gum tape. In order to convey that the UV rays absorption is important for life.

At some point I feel, we are the strong reason to generate greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere, contributing to the acceleration of global warming.

"We're all involved in this: our whole way of life is structured around the burning of fossil fuels. I find it sobering to think that while we've been travelling in our world, trying to record the complexity and beauty of our planet, and on the other side, we also have been making our own contribution to global warming. 

Installations I - 2010

Installations II - 2010

Installations III - 2010