
Light Works 2011

About this series

1. Conceptual frame work:
Our existence is full of visuals in different forms. The human mind is usually attracted by images. For an instance, the moment we pick the newspaper in our hand, our eyes start moving quicker to the visual, photograph or image, more than the text. We observe the picture or illustration first and then read the text or news. It’s an unconscious consequent of our psyche. Perhaps it comes from our very childhood, as we, as a child recognize the image or a picture of an object first and later gain knowledge of letter or text. For an example to learn the letter A we learn or observe or distinguish the picture of an apple (as an object) first and then understand it being a latter A. Thus we travel from an objective or a pictographic world to the hypothetical world.
This quite an interesting connection of our mind to the world of visual was perhaps the seed of this Series too, getting transformed into slightly different realm by digging into the diverse veracity. This series is such project where I plan to touch an unconscious sphere of human psyche.
Our mind always remains overloaded by mass Medias, such as advertisements, television, radio, films, mobiles, posters, magazines, quotes, dialogues, haikus, statements, poems, headlines etc. There could be hardly any chance to escape from all these. So I thought I could transform this very phenomenon in to the work of art by using the words in a diverse way.
We are very much influenced by words, quotes, dialogues, statements, sound etc. Are they the byproducts of mind? Intelligence? Knowledge? Understanding? As words, sound is playing a major role in human psychology. Newspapers, televisions, Magazines, world of internet, or any other media, which is constantly working and publishing things which are more fascinating.
Role of each box is nothing to do with intellect; because it is an image and the lines which are main focus, it has nothing to do with reason. It is like falling in an idea playfully, with reality, to give a surprise and momentary understanding.